Manual of Psychiatric Therapeutics

Monday, September 6, 2010


British Pharmacopoeia (£818.19 Value!)

British Pharmacopoeia (£818.19 Value!)

Publisher: Stationery Office | ISBN 10 0113227256 | ISO | 394.3MB

The British Pharmacopoeia (BP) is the authoritative, current collection of standards for UK medicinal substances and the official source of all UK quality standards. It is an essential reference for anyone involved in pharmaceutical Research and Development, manufacturing and testing, and plays a vital role in ensuring that all medicinal substances on the UK market meet standards of safety, quality and efficacy.

The BP is supplied in a variety of formats designed for ease of use and a wide range of applications. The hard copy edition package contains a boxed five volume set with a separate Veterinary volume, a CD-ROM and access to a comprehensible, regularly updated website. Both the CD-ROM and online formats are easy to network for access across your organisation.

Key features

* Extensive Revisions including 30 new BP texts
* New Supplementary Chapters containing general guidance on Unlicensed Medicines and Method Validation
* First BP monograph for Traditional Chinese Medicines
* European Pharmacopoeia (Ph Eur) monographs up to and including Ph Eur 5th edition Supplement 5.5
* The CD-ROM and online version of the BP can be made available to multiple users through a network licence, which is more economical than purchasing multiple copies of the BP package
* Technical support for network licence holders is available from TSO, the publisher of the BP
* CD-ROM and website deliver the complete text of the British Pharmacopoeia, British Approved Names and European Pharmacopoeia standards directly to your PC

Extent 3500 pages


Clinical Pharmacology (9th Edition)

(PDF | 73Mb)

This book is for students, doctors and indeed for all concerned with evidence-based drug therapy. A knowledge of pharmacological and therapeutic principles is essential if drugs/medicines are to be used safely and effectively for increasingly informed and critical patients.Doctors who understand how drugs get into the body, how they produce their effects, what happens to them in the body, and how evidence of their therapeutic effect is assessed, will choose drugs more skilfully, and use them more successfully than those who do not. The principles involved are neither so numerous nor so difficult to understand as to deter any prescriber, including those whose primary interests lie elsewhere than in pharmacology.All who use drugs cannot escape either the moral or the legal ‘duty of care’ to prescribe in an informed and responsible way.



Medical Procedures And Skills – eBook Collection

A Collection of Medical Procedures Step by Step Guide. List of books on next page.

Skill 01[1].Temperature..pdf
Skill 02[1]..Pulse.pdf
Skill 03[1]..Respiration.pdf
Skill 04[1]..Blood Pressure.pdf
Skill 05[1]..Pulse Oximetry.pdf
Skill 06[1]..Capillary Blood Draw.pdf
Skill 07[1]..Venipuncture.pdf
Skill 08[1]..Blood Draw from a Central Venous Catheter.pdf
Skill 09[1]..Nasopharyngeal Swab.pdf
Skill 10[1]..Throat Culture.pdf
Skill 11[1]..Collection of Stool Specimen.pdf
Skill 12[1]..Collection of Urine Specimen.pdf
Skill 13[1]..Collection of a Midstream.pdf
Skill 14[1]..Assisting with Child during Bone Marrow.pdf
Skill 15[1]..Assisting with Child during Lumbar Puncture.pdf
Skill 16[1]..Assisting with Collection of Cerebrospinal.pdf
Skill 17[1]..Sponge Bath.pdf
Skill 18[1]..Insertion of a Peripheral IV Line.pdf
Skill 19[1]..Dressing Change Central Venous Line.pdf
Skill 20[1]..Insertion of a Nasogastric Tube.pdf
Skill 21[1]..Management of Gastrointestinal Suction.pdf
Skill 22[1]..Nasogastric Tube Irrigation.pdf
Skill 23[1]..Nasogastric Tube Lavage.pdf
Skill 24[1]..Administration of a Bolus Feeding.pdf
Skill 25[1]..Administration of NG, NJ, Gastrostomy and.pdf
Skill 26[1]..Changing a Fecal Ostomy Appliance.pdf
Skill 27[1]..Emptying an Ostomy Pouch.pdf
Skill 28[1]..Administration of Enemas.pdf
Skill 29[1]..Urinary Catheterization.pdf
Skill 30[1]..Petaling a Cast.pdf
Skill 31[1]..Pin Site Care.pdf
Skill 32[1]..Care of the Child in an External Fixation.pdf
Skill 33[1]..Pin Care, External Fixation Device.pdf
Skill 34[1]..EVD Maintaining System at Correct Level and Functioning.pdf
Skill 35[1]..EVD Client Assessment.pdf
Skill 36[1]..EVD Monitoring Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF).pdf
Skill 37[1]..EVD Changing the Drainage Bag.pdf
Skill 38[1]..EVD General Nursing Care and Safety.pdf
Skill 39[1]..Assisting with Chest Tube Insertion.pdf
Skill 40[1]..Preparing the Chest Tube Drainage System.pdf
Skill 41[1]..Care of the Child with a Chest Tube.pdf
Skill 42[1]..Assisting with Removal of Chest Tube.pdf
Skill 43[1]..Oxygen Administration.pdf
Skill 44[1]..Bulb Suctioning.pdf
Skill 45[1]..Nasotracheal Suctioning.pdf
Skill 46[1]..Tracheostomy Monitoring.pdf
Skill 47[1]..Tracheostomy Tube Change.pdf
Skill 48[1]..Tracheostomy Tube.pdf
Skill 49[1]..Tracheostomy Suctioning.pdf
Skill 50[1]..Endotracheal Tube Monitoring (ETT).pdf


Nurse’s Pocket Drug Guide 2010

MgH | 2009 | 409 pages | PDF | 6.84 MB

Everything nurses need to know about 1000 common medications — in one pocket-sized guide!

Specifically geared towards patient care and safety, this instant-access pocket guide provides registered nurses with essential, up-to-the-minute information on the selection and administration of 1000 commonly used medications.This nursing classic is revised annually to reflect approval of new drugs, changes in usage of current drugs, and withdrawal of older ones.


Organized alphabetically by generic drug name
Mechanisms of action
Common usage and dosage
Side effects
Drug interactions
Nursing implications
New drugs
Patient education
Expanded coverage of natural and herbal agents


Rang & Dale Pharmacology 6th edition

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment (CMDT) 2010

The annual classic that puts research where it belongs…into your practice
Written by clincians renowned in their respective fields, CMDT offers the most current insights into symptoms, signs, epidemiology, and treatment for more than 1,000 diseases and disorders. For each topic you’ll find concise, evidence-based answers to questions regarding both hospital and ambulatory medicine. This streamlined reference is the fastest and easiest way to keep abreast of the latest medical advances, prevention strategies, cost-effective treatments, and more.

As an added bonus, this is the first edition to offer additional material online at no additional cost. Chapters on anti-infective chemotherapeutic and antibiotic agents, diagnostic testing and medical decision making, basic genetics, and information technology in patient care care be found at!
More information on patient care in less text:
* A strong focus on the clinical diagnosis and patient management tools essential to daily practice
* Broad range of internal medicine and primary care topics, including gynecology and obstetrics, dermatology, neurology, and ophthalmology
* The only text with an annual HIV infection update
* Hundreds of drug treatment tables, with indexed trade names and updated prices — plus helpful diagnostic and treatment algorithms
* Recent references with PMID numbers for fast access to abstracts or full-text articles
* ICD-9 codes are listed on the inside covers
* New topics include H1N1 influenza A, acute knee pain, vaccine safety, neuromyelitis optica, and Chikungunya fever
* Expanded 24-page color insert
* Rewritten Cancer chapter by new authors
* New ACC/AHA Task Force Guidelines for management of congenital heart disease in pregnant women
* Major revision of antithrombotic therapy
